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[英文] 大峡谷旅游必备英语口语

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1、大峡谷游英语词汇:  1.colorful adj.面华美的;有趣的# c- p9 d( {* P" T4 C9 a
  The Grand Canyon is a colorful steep-sided gorge carved by the Colorado River in the U.S. state of Arizona.9 b1 B7 x& G4 E6 a  F: `
  大峡爷是指美国哑利桑那州境内科罗拉多河冲蚀而成的丰富多彩、两侧全是峭壁的峡谷。( b+ r6 D$ U) Y5 _9 R+ x
  2.national adj.国家的
6 ~+ C' \  H! _7 O& f  The Grand Canyon is largely contained within the Grand Canyon National Park-one of the first national parks in the United States.1 s7 h) \, V8 b( s( E
3 m! V1 R* A3 B6 E  3.chasm n.深坑,裂口
9 C9 B' E& A5 t5 b$ j  The Grand Canyon is more than a great chasm carved over millennia through the rocks of the Colorado Plateau.! `. @4 O1 ^2 p" e4 {
  大峡谷是科罗拉多高原上的岩石数千年来侵蚀而成的大裂缝。) h& j) F) O% f+ [' D
  4.awe n./v.敬畏,畏惧
6 p! m) n) P) F  The Grand Canyon fills me with awe.
# }; c- A& }% X* N; z9 n$ R  犬峡谷使我充满了敬畏。. `# V+ `2 y; @$ f
! J& ], f  R) c/ d) `, O  5.comparison n.比较,比喻. B5 r  h+ W5 @8 l8 E/ f5 P$ R
  It is beyond comparlson—beyond description.
) |0 t, d4 ]( X6 J  它无可比拟,无法形容。$ t- u- I# L8 F$ x+ X- U$ t
  6.wonder n.奇观
& n) B# Q( f& z# N! b  Let this great wonder of nature re-main as it now iS.0 Z3 t, a% i0 Y6 j4 \1 q
, c1 [" Z1 l" {7 o# z) K  同义词:surprise. ]( x- u! b3 E2 A$ S1 v1 f; Q
  7.landscape n.风景
2 L9 |* m8 t$ U  The Grand Canyon is one of the most studiad geologic landscapes in the world.
) M( ^4 `" v$ }. {7 k9 x3 Q  大峡谷是世界上最值得研究的地质景观之一。
! `; k# x2 k* u" ~/ l* g' {8 T$ s: Q
  8.erosion n.腐蚀,侵蚀& W; Q  a8 d) g/ w( _
  It is considered one of the finest examples of arid-land 8rosion in the world.$ H( d  g$ K8 t6 p+ o
& g( h" @* C( r9 w3 |& ^, |" g  9.linnited adj.有限的,狭窄的; X) Y# p/ Z) E' T! F
  The SignifiCanCe Of Grand Canyon is not Iimited to its geology." o$ j# h* k8 r/ P
/ y; N) w9 W! j" ~) R2 {  反义词:endIess
. |2 a" G8 |4 K- O3 L7 m: k2 N  10.layer n.层,阶层
" M( `* g  ]$ G3 S9 I  The topmost layers are a yellowish limestone." {) h/ C1 n6 t6 y3 @
) @; V" @5 k& |$ p& w  2、大峡谷旅游英语短语:  1.natural worder 自然奇观
& w* O& _6 ?2 X' L  2.excellent record 完美记录( [0 A8 B3 ~- `* M8 W4 Y# h
  3.geologic feature 陀地质特征: Z" G2 R5 k0 ^6 D0 Z3 X
  4.fossilo record 化石记录
/ W; e5 o6 [, i* s+ R" E. S  5.geological time 地质时代' p4 {' z, o/ S9 `
  6.rock types 岩石类型7 Q$ ?1 Z+ Z+ d3 q: E
  7.mean depth 平均深度8 R$ v4 s) c2 B" |
  8.Charactenstic Iandscape 特色景观: d7 T3 L( W& k  N2 P
  9.red Sandstone 红色砂岩
3 r  Y3 V" E2 _- o: z0 E5 ?- {) q  10.adventure tour 探险旅游
& }, H0 s6 a( r- _. s6 r  11.be unknown to human be-ings 尚未被人类认识
% N9 o* |& K1 a  12.exploring team 考察队
  ^5 M& E$ W( j$ b  13.biologicalspecies 生物物种' s+ T8 I' Z) S& A
  14.pure ecological environment 原始生态面貌
" v1 R  e- h) x  15.intricate and complicated 错综复杂7 S7 D4 Y3 N4 U( b, ^% u' b: U" @
  16.twists and turns 迂回曲折
+ ?* A+ U" g( \2 M. l6 y) o  17.ice age 冰河时代# ?1 ^* d/ i. }$ G1 M
  18.distinctive nuance 层次清晰
$ q, ^) W8 h; e3 e3 B( J  `3 M  19.vegetational zone 植物带
7 k+ g$ c8 X0 o/ h+ A3 {/ z; k  20.guide book 旅行指南% m. _- J$ _1 ]
  3、大峡谷旅游英语对话:  情境对话1
8 J% N3 k/ Q2 j4 N  Frank:Where did you go?
% u0 b7 Z% U2 ?6 @1 I/ [  弗兰克:你们到哪儿去了?
* P. W: }) ?7 m  Ben:We hiked to the botrtom of the Grand Canyon. It was sure a long way down.
# r* n, q0 m% [4 ]+ l4 ?, s  本:我们一直步行到大峡谷底部。往下走真远啊。
2 a, Q# L4 w+ [5 `3 Z  Frank:Was it dark and gloom y at the bottom?0 A/ M6 L  v/ [3 W2 e
3 i9 e8 j  S( m  Ben:Oh! no!
; J+ O4 e0 s, }7 ~  本:噢,一点也不!' k  I. \4 U/ Z: z! V
  Frank:Did you see any boats there?
& {8 W6 n& i. W2 v0 e  弗兰克:你们在那儿看到船了吗?! v; t* o5 v, {  i1 e
  Ben:Yeah, we saw a lot of them.That may be an easier way to get to the bottom of the canyon than the way we went.: j8 e$ ]" x8 _% S; ?8 ^
  本:是的,我们看到了好多船。可能乘船漂到峡谷底部比我们那样下去要容易得多。: w+ |4 q- x3 w7 G4 C
  Frank:How far was it?3 l2 L7 V: G' g+ O
1 s+ p5 _) B' p3 S7 `0 V( v' B  Ben:lt's over 5,000 feet deep.4 ^% O/ |$ I1 I! }, [
& p1 Q' e. @9 u2 r7 Z* F  Frank:Did you have to make camp and sleep along the trail?
+ ]( X( f; s, d; }# v  弗兰克:你们有没有在山路上宿营过夜?- K5 r( P2 @3 ~% c; ^
  Ben:We were able to make it all the way down 'in one day. That was easy.% \; M0 v1 L7 N) ^% M
  本:我们一天之内就下到谷底了。下去很容易。3 j' }4 [( t7 H: X
. H" G3 p% o2 A0 E, ]- a  Lance:Those mesas are spectacular!+ p  U9 m5 N7 K3 q9 s/ T4 s
7 T' N/ [/ `0 Z: G1 v" V- A* |  Louise:They do look like tables. Everything looks so beautiful covered in snow., d9 G: V, G( F+ m, o" A0 i9 a
( C' k0 u3 V0 b$ a( `8 P  Lance:lt's so desolate here now
$ q0 m# h5 a9 E2 f3 o  兰斯:这儿现在好荒凉。
% {# u6 d8 A. V0 W  Louise:Yeah, I wouldn't want to be stranded out here. Oh, no! What's that noise?
+ k# N$ j) e" c' F+ r! B* p0 Z  露易斯:是啊,我可不想被困在这里……糟糕!那是什么声音?
7 n+ f8 G  h0 h  Lance:No! The car is breaking down!
; N- ~/ W4 T& C2 {( T  兰斯:完了!车子要坏掉了!/ G9 e+ t9 B0 \5 s$ H
  Louise:VVhen you are repairing the car I can see a round,1 r( [. ?# r% a( d1 ^- ~
  露易斯:你修车时我可以到处看看。" [. E2 W/ ~8 I# ]0 N3 l
  Lance:You can t do like that.9 e. S0 [. @0 N3 f6 D
  兰斯:你不能那样!1 S4 B: x" O! i# r: C- x8 ^1 G; X& O
  Louise:But I don't know about cars.
8 v! g2 u5 J1 f/ s  露易斯:可我对车子毫不了解。
( ?$ S& E1 u. p( j0 _0 ?, d* B  Lance:You can stay here with me just talking with me!
9 h8 H  m% z/ [  @3 E  兰斯:你可以留下来陪我说说话啊!
. S6 E1 y1 Y- w, U# K
$ }/ D( q) u6 f5 `. \


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