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[英文] survive是什么意思

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4 z- A4 d; d( y* R$ ^
- i) H, i( P3 u3 j1 K  survive作动词的意思:
( I9 F: e+ A: ?9 m4 p* ?) ^3 g; t  幸存,活下来2 N! W# b. F' j; b$ d% ?# s
6 _  M$ }$ l2 Y, l  英 [səˈvaiv] 美 [sɚˈvaɪv]
0 E/ J) c1 _& Y  survive的时态:
5 b! F, n# L& P- D& u' _  现在分词: surviving
  R+ `, t7 c: g* S, g$ a& ~5 h: ^  过去式: survived
7 R2 Y4 y  i/ P  过去分词: survived" ~- {# B- L2 M, ^5 D! F1 k
  survive的英语例句:' a' G: f9 D# ~& Z8 o5 h
  1. Curiously, the struggle to survive has greatly improved her health.
3 y$ L- ?7 H: O  奇怪的是,她拼命求生的抗争使得她的健康状况大有好转。1 V# A+ ~; _+ P" I; F
  2. Outside the protected environment of institutional care he could not survive.
5 b+ R8 X" i8 j; d  离开福利机构的照顾,离开这种受保护的环境,他将难以生存下去。
# {7 E; n6 d& {  B3 _4 U* \  3. The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy.# j8 f- w) \$ J  p
  公司正在努力摆脱自身遭遇的第二次破产危机。( I6 f4 V/ {5 @  y
  4. The first thing parents want to know is: will the baby survive?
! y7 L* U5 e8 d  父母亲最想知道的是:孩子能活下来吗?: v& \7 C* F( A3 Q  }) O3 w# h3 b- X7 F
  5. It's important that these upland farms continue to survive.
3 i1 L: n3 U' @1 D  这些高原农场能继续存在下去非常重要。# d, o9 c7 ~$ U+ V( u( e
  6. For centuries farmers there have only just managed to survive.
" X; U4 V* R* N" ?* f" g# _  几个世纪以来,那里的农民只能勉强维持生计。
. M) P/ M# t$ j; T- Y  7. When the market economy is introduced, many factories will not survive.
/ T* r" Z) z0 E( |  引入市场经济后,许多工厂将面临倒闭。0 a# p; p2 i: K  s
  8. On my first day here I thought, "Ooh, how will I survive?"- k2 F7 A, ^# N2 O( ?% R, ~+ ~
( _+ z3 J' M% R, l% @7 z- a+ `! g  9. Drugs that dissolve blood clots can help people survive heart attacks.9 q; r! ]' ?% ?; k" V2 z
  能溶解血栓的药物会有助于治疗心脏病。- ^8 q6 m9 f  w* |1 ^1 u
  10. Most women will survive their spouses.  ^# N* N. |1 f0 i
  大多数女性都比配偶长寿。$ J  T8 H4 T& d9 Y
  11. No letters survive from this early period.7 `. O0 z3 {4 A" F7 O( N; ]  i
( G6 x( k' {# L+ Z3 C  12. Many can survive only by raking through dustbins.# e$ o, p2 b3 t1 w5 _$ A
3 K3 E, w8 v1 m% @8 \; Z, ?4 d, {- t  13. No business can survive without a capital account.6 ]7 v. ^  o2 M
  企业没有资产净值就无法生存。9 v! r+ {. D- k: f0 f
  14. The time has come for action if these beautiful animals are to survive.5 k% s# B4 t. C5 O: u1 _
# ^+ B9 M/ j+ T, j; ~" d, s! Y  15. Companies must be able to survive in the marketplace.
( P7 E3 X1 S8 q, t- ~* N8 u  w
4 k& G. m& |7 U  公司必须有能力在市场竞争中生存下去。
# Z; V4 ]) {4 M3 q1 M$ c" x4 R* t7 i; G* f" K


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