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[英文] 人生有一次成功就够了 [複製鏈接]

人生有一次成功就够了. C& v, Q# p+ y+ `# {: z, d
/ G4 J# S0 r' V3 u6 T  |% q; u; X
  When he was thirty-five, misfortune again befell on him. When he was driving across a hugebridge, the steel ropes along the edge of the bridge were broken and he fell into the river withhis car. He suffered such severe injuries that he could no longer continue his job of promotingtires.
+ K$ Q9 h7 K0 X+ M  35岁时,不幸又一次降临到他的头上。当他开车路过一座大桥时,大桥钢绳断裂。他连人带车跌到河中,身受重伤,无法再干轮胎推销员工作。
4 }4 I/ t4 m) S' B8 e: K) ]$ F  When he was forty, he opened a gas station in a town. However, he came into dispute becausehe beat his rivalries due to the billboard hanging problems.
9 d0 e9 n, h3 `# d8 L5 _4 `- ~  40岁时,他在一个镇上开了一家加油站,因挂广告牌把竞争对手打伤,引来一场纠纷。
. \2 F( |9 ?! g# }5 N' e  When he was forty-seven, he divorced his second wife, which had deeply stricken his threechildren.# w0 h# `/ X5 h& a  D9 A) c& F
  47岁时,他与第二任妻子离婚,三个孩子深受打击。* J3 j' C2 x; e
  When he was sixty-one, he campaigned for a senator but failed at last.3 O$ }/ Q( r/ F- {- V( A) `+ g
  61岁时,他竞选参议员,但最后落败。$ b! y! {  u4 l: t+ u- J
  When he was sixty-five, his on-growth restaurant was dismantled by the government due toroad renovating. He was compelled to sell out all his facilities at a very low price.
; @( n: R- t$ R' l4 A; i3 f1 ^  65岁时,政府修路拆了他刚刚红火的快餐馆,他不得不低价出售了所有设备。5 T4 [. k0 N9 i) r& A0 J0 {
  When he was sixty-six, he made a living by promoting his chicken-frying technics to variousrestaurants in different places., _4 a( d( h) _* _
  66岁时,为了维持生活,他到各地的小餐馆推销自己掌握的炸鸡技术。# w( o& A( i: B) {
  When he was seventy-five, he felt powerless to maintain his company, so he transferred hisbrand and patent to others. The new owner suggested giving him ten thousand stock sharesas part of the purchasing price. But he turned down the suggestion. Later the price of thestocks of the company soared and he lost the chance of being a billionaire.4 k' m9 V3 M9 O
  H0 j0 a6 V. n& c) \  When he was eighty-three, he opened another fast-food restaurant but fell into a lawsuit dueto trademark and patent issues.
% z4 }: l* l* G# B# [  83岁时,他又开了一家快餐店,却因商标专利与人打起了官司。
: m5 q+ v" x, [* S8 h+ {  When he was eighty-eight, he achieve great success and became well-known to the wholeworld.
2 ^6 X2 y8 `2 M0 ?  88岁时,他终于大获成功,全世界都知道了他的名字。, B0 X5 Q& @" Q" I
  He was exactly the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Ha Lunde • Sandoz. He often said, “People always complain about the bad weather. Actually the weather is not bad at all. As longas you are optimist and confident all the time, you will have a good weather everyday.”他,就是肯德基的创始人——哈伦德•山德士。他说:“人们经常抱怨天气不好,实际上并不是天气不好。只要自己有乐观自信的心情,天天都是好天气。”
- c* T7 ^5 _! e8 w+ L! M4 ]3 J
* l: ?3 M! y; Z) ]6 c9 L
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